BPSC 69th CCE Notification: The preliminary exam is scheduled to be held on September 30, followed by the mains exam which will take place in February 2024

Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC) has released the official notification for the 69th Combined Competitive Examination (CCE) and other exams on June 27. The online registration process for prelims will begin on July 15 and end on August 5. Interested and eligible candidates can apply at the official website at bpsc.bih.nic.in.
Through this recruitment drive, the commission aims to fill up a total of 346 vacancies in various departments. The Combined Competitive Exam will be administered in three phases namely the preliminary exam, mains exam, and the personality test. The preliminary exam is scheduled to be held on September 30, followed by the mains exam which will take place in February 2024. The interview process or personality test will be held between April and May 2024. sourced Content